Safe Ministry


At Anchor Church, we are committed to the safety of every child, deserving the confidence of every family, and to being honest and transparent in the way we approach our ministry with vulnerable people.

Anchor Church Coffs aims to be a place where children and vulnerable people are respected, protected and built up. Those who serve vulnerable people must meet the requirements, have sufficient training and work under guidelines that ensure a safe environment for those in their care.


1. Apply for a NSW WWCC

If you are going to be working with children, you are required by law to obtain a Working with Children’s Check .

Apply for WWCC

2. Take your application to a Service NSW

Once you get your application number (starts with ‘APP’), take it to a service NSW centre to verify your identity. You will be sent your official WWC number in a couple of weeks. This process is free for volunteers.

Find your nearest Service NSW's Centre

3. Complete your Safe Ministry training online through Safe Ministry Check

Leaders need to complete the Awareness and the Leaders course before they can serve vulnerable people at Anchor Church. The Leaders Course will require you to declare that you will uphold our Code of Conduct. You will also need to provide us with the information of two references that can vouch for your appropriateness for working in this type of position. This training should only take 40 minutes, but it will give you all information you need to keep vulnerable people safe.

Safe Ministry Check


Safe Ministry Policy

This policy outlines our expectations for our leaders' qualifications, training and conduct. This policy also outlines our process of reporting concerns and complaints.


Code of Conduct

This is the commitment that leaders declare to conduct themselves when ministering to vulnerable people.


Concerns & Complaints

Safe Ministry Contacts

Darcy Brown

Ministry Worker
0424 881 907
[email protected]

Laura Sochen

Childcare Worker
0406 588 117
[email protected]

Mel Worley

0419 198 489
[email protected]

Gemma Rope

0401 721 565
[email protected]

We are committed to creating a culture where people feel safe to speak out about inappropriate behaviour without fear of being rejected or ridiculed. We are committed to listening and responding appropriately to concerns and complaints about behaviour and safety at Anchor Church Coffs Harbour. Throughout this process, we are committed to protecting the confidentiality, dignity, health and well-being of all individuals involved. Any child-related issues will be managed with a focus on the interest of the child and will be reported to the relevant State Child Protection body if necessary.

All concerns and complaints will be managed by the Anchor Church Coffs Harbour Safe Ministry Contacts. A Safe Ministry Contact and someone who is part of a committee that is;

• Available to hear people's concerns,
• Trained to respond appropriately,
• Offer support to those that have concerns and communicate what steps the church will take.

Contact Us Via Email

Feel free to make contact even if you are not sure about your concern.

The Safe Ministry Supervisors will follow a Safe Ministry Issue Management Process. This includes reporting any criminal activity to the police, and the possibility of reporting allegations of abuse to the State Ombudsman and the insurer of Anchor Church Coffs Harbour.

Note: The details of those reporting abuses should be kept private and confidential, only made known to those in leadership and to the individuals and organisations who are legally required to know those details.

Mandatory Reporter Guide

This is an online guide developed by the NSW government that is designed to help assess whether a case meets the threshold for being ‘at risk of significant harm’. Safe ministry contact will use this tool to guide their decision-making.


Accident Report Form

This electronic form allows you to submit a report about an incident that has occurred at an Anchor Church event. All reports will be seen by Anchor Church staff and acted upon appropriately.


Risk Management Form

This is an online Risk Management form for Anchor Church Coffs Harbour events and activities.


Copyright Anchor Church Coffs Harbour. © 2022. All rights reserved

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